1. What is trauma?  
  2. Changes to the Brain
  3. Reshaping the Personal Story
  4. The Relational Component
  5. Trauma and Substance Use
  6. Trauma, Depression, and Anxiety
  7. Retraining the Brain
  8. Providing Hope for the Present and Future
  9. Healing and Integrating Traumatic Experiences 
  10. Reclaiming Life and Empowerment

Trauma has many faces and can impact the lives of not only the person who experienced trauma but of their family and close relationships.  In this course, you will learn about the different types of trauma, and how to effectively address it in coaching.  You will be provided the tools to assist your clients in reshaping their experience so they can retrain their brain.  As a coach, it is important to know when to refer to a therapist, consult, or collaborate.  Our client's life stories give us insight into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (TFB Paradigm), but most importantly their relationships to self and others.  Examining their ability to analyze the TFB paradigm will allow you to teach them how to apply corrective techniques, and reshape their present day relationship to their experiences.  Clients rely on life coaches to teach them new behaviors, acquire new skills, as well as change attitudes and correct thought processes and address healing in their interpersonal relationships.  Trauma impacts so many aspects of life functioning and providing your client with the tools needed to reclaim and empower their lives is a first step toward healing and wellness.  Everything in life is relational.  Addressing trauma from a relational and brain-based perspective will provide you with the necessary tools to assist your clients in reshaping the experience and retraining their brain to begin their healing process.  Trauma is experienced globally, and coaches can contribute to changing world views and empowering people.