East Meets West~ 30 HR Training
Level 1 EMW Training Program (30 Hours) $1500.00
East Meets West
1. Core Competencies
2. Becoming a Social Entrepreneur
3. Our Choice Define Us: Wellness & Prevention
4. Ethics: Our Guideposts in Coaching
5. The Development of New Choices
6. Wellness as a Metaphysical Choice
7. Beyond Problem Solving to Growth Assessment and Evaluation
8. East Meets West: Integrated Wellness Coaching
Holism is key to creating wellness and life balance. No matter what choice is in front of us in life, we will benefit from making a decision that comes from our deepest level of connection to self and others. Exercising choice, and learning to utilize Cognitions of Choice, will allow you and your client to partner in creating healthy personal and professional choices. To learn more about how to apply the new choice approach in coaching, contact Coaching Choice College and make a commitment to wellness today!
Social & Emotional Intelligence~ 30 Hour Training
Level 1 SEI Training Program (30 Hours) $1500.00
Social-Emotional Intelligence Coaching
1. Defining Social & Emotional Intelligence
2. The History of Emotional Intelligence
3. The First Factor: Perceiving Emotions
4. The Second Factor: Reasoning With Emotions
5. The Third Factor: Understanding Emotions
6. The Fourth Factor: Managing Emotions
7. Five Key Components of EI: Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Social Skills, Empathy, and Motivation
8. Measuring Social & Emotional Intelligence
9. Developing Social & Emotional Intelligence
10. Coaching for Social & Emotional Intelligence
The concept of Emotional Intelligence is not new, and as far back as in the 1930s, Thorndike was describing social intelligence as the ability to get along with other people. There is ongoing debate as to whether or not your emotional quotient (EQ) might be more important than your IQ. Some view emotional intelligence as an array of noncognitive capabilities, competencies, and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures (Reuven Bar-On). Emotions are described as involving subjective experience, physiological response, and behavioral response. We will examine and challenge old views of EI to explore how the skills are closely linked to cognition, and how they can be taught and learned.
In this course, you will learn the four factors of emotional intelligence, along with the five key components and explore ways in which we can measure, develop EI skills, and apply them to your coaching practice. The integration of SEI into your coaching practice will allow you to assist your clients in developing increased self-awareness and self-management. Through improvements in insight and self-control, your clients can learn to exercise choice at a heightened level. By gaining a deeper level of understanding, and the ability to access critical and creative thinking, your clients will demonstrate positive outcomes in their personal and professional lives. Begin today and learn how incorporating SEI into coaching can improve your practice!
Level 2 SEI Training Program (30 Hours) $1500.00
Social-Emotional Intelligence Coaching
Advocacy-Integrating a Victim-Defined Approach~30 Hour Training
Level 1 Training Program V-D A (30 Hours) $1500.00
Advocacy~Integrating A Victim-Defined Approach
1. Domestic Violence and Victim-Defined Approach
2. Risks Victims Face
3. How Women Form Perspectives From Priorities
4. Victims in Contact with Children
5. Trauma, Mental Health, and Substance Use
6. Advocate Role with Violent Partner
7. Victim-Defined Advocacy Environments
8. Victim-Defined Policy Advocacy, Ethics, and Coaching
9. Domestic Violence and the Work Environment, and Coaching Application for Business and Organizations
10. Core Competencies and Coaching and Victim-Defined Advocacy Coaching
The impact of domestic violence is far-reaching and can be passed inter-generationally within families; therefore, we now have broadened the scope to consider “family violence.” There are numerous reasons why women stay in relationships with intimate partners who are violent (IVP), these risks can be viewed from two main categories: batter-generated risks, and life-generated risks. Various addictions can result in episodes and cycles of violence, some predictable and some impulsive incidents. Trauma can result from the experience of exposure to violence that can result in PTSD, and/or inter-generational and vicarious trauma.
Domestic violence occurs across every socioeconomic status, age group, and providing the “victim” a choice from their unique perspective will make a difference. Victim-defined advocacy can be achieved in five basic steps: prepare, think, plan, act, and monitor. The coach can partner with victims to empower, create options that clearly consider batter and life-generated risks, promote choice, and improve advocacy through applying a step-by-step systematic approach to change!
Becoming a Board Certified Coach
The student pursuing a training and certification in coaching may choose a specific area of Choice Coaching in which to develop the project and ultimate coaching business. An individual area of study and research is pursued with the intent of developing a coaching business that will provide a viable income source for the student upon completion of training and acquisition of the coaching certificate.
Coaching Choice College
By the completion of the program, the student will have acquired the skills, training and developed the necessary materials to start their coaching business.
All training and certification programs consists of 30-hours of virtual, tele-training or face to face training segments in which the student will learn a practical approach to coaching. The student will be taught how to develop their choice coaching philosophy, administer and interpret assessments and integrate a wellness, advocacy, and social-emotional intelligence coaching philosophy to begin or apply it to an already established coaching practice. All training is aligned with the Core Competencies outlined by the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Coaching Choice College (CCC) is an approved provider training site for CCE. Upon completion, a certificate will be provided for submittal to CCE toward competency or renewal hours.
Bureau of Post-Secondary Education: Exempt under criterion # 94874 Subsection F

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Enroll here today or call Dr. Clare E Steffen 541.221.3408 or email her at csteffen@coachingchoicecollege.com to learn more.
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