Continuing Education

ccecredential-bcc-logo72dpi-1 is an affiliate program of Coaching Choice College that is dedicated to providing affordable and quality continuing education for board-certified coaches.  Check our website to see new offerings as we continue to grow and develop.  You will be provided a CE certificate to provide the board with verification of your training.  CE4Coaches offers several different ways in which you may accrue continuing education for certification renewal:

  • Distance Learning
  • Face-to-Face
  • 1:1 Tele-Sessions

Areas of Continuing Education for Coaches: 

  • Brain-Based Coaching
  • Business & Executive Coaching
  • Choice Coaching
  • Cognitive Coaching
  • Core Competency Coaching
  • Cultural Competency Coaching
  • Family Life-Coaching
  • Life-Choice Coaching
  • Neuro-Diversity Coaching
  • Recovery & Sobriety Coaching
  • Social-Emotional Intelligence Coaching
  • Specialty Designation Coaching
  • Spiritual Coaching
  • Sustainability Coaching
  • Trauma Coaching
  • Victim-Defined Advocacy Coaching
  • Wellness Coaching

Distance Learning:

Our distance learning courses provide monthly Cornerstone Courses, Speciality Designation Courses, and Webinars.  CE4coaches provides you more with opportunities to further enhance your knowledge, build skills, and enhance your coaching practice while meeting your CE board requirements. Our Live Webinars offer you the ability to learn from Dr. Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., NC, CNHP, CMH, CADCII, ICADC, NCC, BCC in the comfort your own home or office.  All webinar sessions are followed by Q & A to provide time to personalize your learning. Dr. Steffen is also available by email to answer further questions.  All courses over 1 hour in length are supported in Choice College, our online learning system.  All you need is a computer and a telephone, to enjoy gathering your CE units in this way!

Cornerstone Courses: 

Ethics:  The Cornerstone of Coaching

Ethics in Coaching: $129.00 Call 541-221-3408 to learn more or enroll now.


This course is designed to meet the 4-hour certification eligibility requirement or renewal for Board Certified Coaches.  This course is offered via webinar (one-hour of training) and is supported in Choice College our online learning platform (to meet the remaining three hours of required training). Explore your Ethical Intelligence, learn 5 simple rules for an ethical practice, and how ethics is intertwined within the core competencies.  All six areas of Core Competencies will be covered in this course.  Ethics: The Cornerstone of Coaching is offered through Zoom the second Friday of each month at 10-11  AM (PST) or through a scheduled 1:1 session with Dr. Steffen, and 3-hours of education in Choice College to complete 4 hours of CE training.   Enroll here and For further information or to schedule your 1:1 session please contact Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., BCC at 541.221.3408

Coaching to the Core

Core Competencies Coaching: $229.00 call 541-221-3408 to enroll or enroll here.


This course provides a 10-hour training and ensures that you offer an ethical coaching practice that is grounded in the competencies of our profession. Learning to view each client from the six competency areas as the inter-relate to you and your client will provide a perspective that allows you to connect to your client at a core level, make deep and meaningful relationships, and get to the root of making new choices.  This course is offered via webinar (1 hour) and is supported in Choice College our online learning platform (9 hours).  Coaching to the Core is offered through Zoom the first  Friday of each month at 10-11  AM (PST), and in Choice College to complete 10 hours of CE training.For further information please contact Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., BCC at 541.221.3408

Specialty Designation Coaching:

$229.00~ 10-Hour Training 

  • Executive/Corporate/Business/Leadership Coach Designation
  • Career Coach Designation
  • Health & Wellness Coach Designation
  • Life/Personal Coach Designation


These courses provide the required 10-hour training necessary for certification renewal in each area of designation.  These courses area offered through webinar sessions and are supported in Choice College our online learning platform.

Special Offer: 10-Hour Specialty Designation Course

& 4- Hour Ethics Course $329.00

30-Hour Specialty Designation Coaching: Career Coaching~ $500.00

This 30-Hour training meets the requirements for the 30 hours of specialty designation training. Complete the 10-Hour Specialty Designation course plus 3 hours of consultation with Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., BCC (to discuss and review the required 30 hours of client experience) and the remaining 17-hours of training may be completed in one of two ways:
Plan A
Conduct three profiles by utilizing the assessments provided in the course or any other assessments of your choice, and review the findings complete with recommendations during our consultation time,

Plan B
Use the remaining 17 hours in program and practice development to prepare your specialty service, career coaching within your practice.

The required 30-Hours of client experience for this specialty must be completed and documented before endorsement and verification can be provided.  Either of these plans would provide the necessary training to meet the board requirements for board verification and endorsement.

Special Offer: 30-Hour Specialty Designation Course

& 4-Hour Ethics Course $600.00


 A Global and Expansive View: Race, Culture, & Trauma in Coaching Addiction

$129.00~ 4 Hour Training

This course offers a 4-hour training (1-hour phone or webinar session and 3-hours in Choice College, our online education learning system). The concepts of race and culture are frequently used interchangeably, which falsely represents large groups of people.  On an individual basis, it can distort service delivery, and result in the perpetuation of bias.  Being able to distinguish between race and culture offers a first step in the provision of trauma-informed and sensitive coaching.  Approximately ten percent of Americans report being in recovery and require assistance maintaining sobriety

Approximately ten percent of Americans report being in recovery and require assistance maintaining sobriety.  Approximately 23.5 million Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol and these numbers continue to rise.  Unfortunately, there are many gaps in service delivery, and frequently a medical model or westernized medicine doesn’t adequately address all the needs.  Coaching may serve an important role in closing the gap.  Coaches can clearly provide an important service that allows some individuals or their families to become educated on issues of race and culture and their influence on trauma and addiction.  Having an increased awareness and a step-by-step approach to coaching will allow coaches to contribute and provide trauma-informed and sensitive services.


Applied Sustainability Coaching

$229.00 (10 Board Certified CEs): 1-hour webinar or 1:1 phone session and 14-hours in Choice College (our online education learning system)  

Course Content:

  • Brain-Based Learning
  • Emotional Sensitivity
  • Emotional Resilience Theory and Application
  • Wellness Coaching
  • Mindfulness
  • Cognitions of Choice
  • New Choice Thinking
  • A Philosophy for Living
  • Applying What We Learn
  • Applying What We Know and Social Entrepreneurship

Individuals, couples, families, as well as organizational environments, seek sustainability.  Lasting endurance mixed with the ability to maintain consistency, wellness, and integrated holism epitomizes sustainability.  Dr. Clare Steffen created Sustainability Coaching to integrate the elements of neuroscience, emotional resilience, wellness, mindfulness, healthy choice and applied learning.  Assist your clients in becoming mindfully present intrapersonally, interpersonally, and inter-relationally to engage on a conscious level.  Offering your clients an organized thinking and decision-making system will provide them the opportunity to create choice at a conscious level.  Teaching your clients a brain-based approach to applied learning within each environment to which they relate will support the development of emotional resilience, wellness, and sustainability coping.  Clients frequently engage a coach to seek to assist in creating a new life plan and to change direction in life.   Utilize the Wellness Self-Awareness Scale, Creating Confidence Thinking Assessment, and the Emotional Sensitivity Self-Assessment to define and build a strength-based resilient foundation for your client to orchestrate life changes and develop a philosophy for living.  Add sustainability coaching to your practice to make a socially responsible contribution to the field, and explore the global opportunities for social entrepreneurs to build a better world.  Assist your clients in changing courses, creating new choice thinking and help them create a sustainable life map.

Basic Sustainability Coaching 

$229.00 (10 Board Certified CEs): 1-hour webinar or 1:1 phone session and 9-hours in Choice College (our online education learning system)  

  1.  Everything is Related
  2.  The Relationship to Self
  3.  The Relationship to Others
  4.  Connecting to our Work
  5. A Well Community
  6. Connecting to a Whole Life
  7. Connecting in Time
  8. The Foundation of Hope
  9. Wisdom for the Present
  10. Spirit for the Future

In life everything is related!  The influences of Westernized thinking have impacted global thinking and created an imbalance between how we think, feel and behave and ultimately what we believe.  Our focus on the consumerism of knowledge, information, products, and materials gain has caused us to experience distress.  Returning to the phenomena of "being" holds the promise for recreating a balance.  Nature is genuinely chaotic, yet we strive to take control but fail which creates further imbalance. It is the acceptance of the subtle changes that allow us to gracefully adapt.  Sustainability Coaching provides an approach that promotes a philosophy for living and choice.   Offer your clients the gift of sustainability and balance by connecting to all the inter-related elements in their lives.

1:1 Tele-sessions: “A” Game Coaching 

$50.00 per one-hour session (1 CE per session)

Dr. Clare E Steffen provides individual web or tele-training to assist you in developing your coaching skills, philosophy, or approach to coaching. Want to learn more about assessment and be able to administer the Wellness Self-Awareness Scale, Creating Confidence Thinking, or others developed by Dr. Clare E Steffen?  Scheduled your session today!   Each contact hour will provide you with one hour of CE training.  To arrange a personalized session, please contact her at or 541.221.3408.

Other Course Offerings:

Accessing Cognitions of Choice 24 CEs $499.00

Reshaping Trauma to Retrain the Brain 4 CEs $129.00

Family of Choice Coaching 4 CEs $129.00

Face-to-Face Coach Training: 

CE4coaches is able to accommodate group learning and design programs that are tailored to your group needs.  We have a brick and mortar location at:

C/O Coaching Choice College

405 A St. Ste #21 Main Street

Springfield, OR 97477


CE4coaches can also come to your location!  We periodically host conferences and live seminars on a variety of topics.  For more information please contact us at or the phone number listed above.

We look forward to supporting your ongoing education and learning and desire to provide excellence to life, wellness, and business coaching.  Thank you for choosing CE4coaches and making an intelligent choice!