Sustainability Coaching:
Sustainability coaching was developed by Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., ND, CADCII, ICADC, CNHP, CMH, NCC, BCC to assist coaches in helping their client reduce the stress of everyday living, and to connect to the authentic self. Bring your clients from survival mode to thriving. In the world in which we live we are bombarded by stressors from all directions. Connecting to one another and to life promotes resilience and healthy adaptation. Assist your clients in creating life balance with the quadrant approach: Love, Life, Health, and Conscious Intelligence. Teach your clients to connect to the synchronous self, calm the distress, and build resilient relationships.
Sustainability Coaching Model
Become a Certified Sustainability Coach
Sustainability Coach 1 (30 Hours of Training)
Complete the following courses and received a $97.00 discount for enrollment in this certification program:
- Basic Sustainability Coaching (10 hours)
- Applied Sustainability Coaching (10 hours)
- Specialty Designation (life, wellness, career, or business/executive)
30-Hour Program $600.00
Sustainability Coach II (60 Hours of Training)
Enroll in this certification program and receive a $275.00 discount
60-Hour Program $1100.00
Plan A:
- 30-hours for Sustainability Coach 1
- Cognitions of Choice (25 hours)
- Ethics (4 hours)
- “A” Game Coaching (1 hour)
Plan B:
- Sustainability Coach 1
- Specialty Designation (life, wellness, career, or business/executive)-30 hour training
Sustainable Choice Model